Intr-o zi un pescar statea intins pe o plaja insorita, cu undita infipta in nisip aruncand o dara subtire de umbra peste valurile linistite si sclipitoare. El se bucura de caldura soarelui de dupa-amiaza si de ideea ca ar putea prinde un peste.
Cam in acel timp, un om de afaceri se plimba pe plaja, incercand sa se elibereze de stresul acumulat peste zi. Observa pescarul care statea pe plaja si se decise sa afle de ce acesta pescuia in loc sa munceasca pentru a-si face un trai mai bun alaturi de familia lui.
- Nu vei prinde multi pesti in felul acesta, a spus omul de afaceri. Ar trebui mai degraba sa muncesti decat sa stai intins pe plaja.
Pescarul s-a uitat catre intreprinzator, a zambit si l-a intrebat:
- Si care va fi rasplata?
- Pai, poti lua navoade mari si sa prinzi mai mult peste, a venit raspunsul omului de afaceri.
- Si apoi care va fi rasplata mea, a intrebat pescarul, inca zambind.
Omul i-a raspuns:
- Vei face bani si vei putea sa iti cumperi o barca, ce va avea ca rezultat o cantitate mai mare de peste prins.
- Bine, dar apoi care va fi rasplata mea, a intrebat din nou pescarul.
Omul de afaceri incepuse sa devina un pic iritat de aceasta intrebare repetitiva:
- Iti poti cumpara o barca mai mare si sa iti angajezi niste oameni.
- Si care va fi rasplata mea? a repetat pescarul.
Intreprinzatorul devenea furios.
- Nu intelegi? Iti cumperi apoi o flotila intreaga pentru pescuit, navighezi peste tot prin lume si ii lasi pe angajati sa prinda peste pentru tine.
Inca o data pescarul a replicat:
- Bine bine, dar care va fi rasplata mea?
Omul de afaceri devenise rosu de furie si a inceput sa urle la pescar:
- Tu chiar nu intelegi ca poti deveni intr-atat de bogat incat nu va mai trebui sa muncesti vreodata? Nu vei mai avea nici o grija pe lumea asta. Iti poti petrece restul zilelor relaxandu-te pe plaja asta, privind apusul si ascultand marea!
Pescarul, inca zambind se uita in sus catre om si ii spuse:
- Dar tu ce crezi ca fac chiar acum?
One day a fisherman was lying on a sunny beach, with fishing pole stuck in the sand throwing a shadow over the thin trail quiet, shimmering waves. He enjoys the afternoon sun and the idea that could catch a fish.
Around that time, a businessman walking on the beach, trying to relieve the stress accumulated during the day. Notice that the fisherman stays on the beach and decided to find out why he was fishing instead of working in order to make a better life with his family.
- You will not catch many fish that way, the businessman said. Would be to work rather than to lie on the beach.
The fisherman looked to the businessman, smiled and asked:
- And what will be the reward?
- Well, you can take large trawls and catch more fish, the businessman’s answer came.
- And then that will be my reward, asked the fisherman, still smiling.
And man replied:
- You make money and you can buy a boat, which will result in a greater amount of fish caught.
- Okay, but then that will be my reward, asked the fisherman again.
Entrepreneur started to become a little irritated by this question repetition:
- You can buy a bigger boat and you hire some people.
- And what will be my reward? repeated the fisherman.
Entrepreneur became angry.
- Do not you understand? You then buy an entire fleet for fishing, surfing all over the world and you let your employees to catch fish for you.
Once again the fisherman replied:
- OK fine, but that will be my reward?
The businessman became red with rage and started screaming at the fisherman:
- You just do not understand that you can become rich in so that you will not have to work again? You’ll never have any cares in this world. You can spend his remaining days relaxing on the beach that, watch the sunset and listening to the sea!
The fisherman, still smiling looks up to man and said:
- What do you think what i’m doing right now?
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2 users responded in this post
Great article about fishermen.I like reading the stuff which you have posted.
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