English follow
Am citit o stire care m-a intristat.
E o simpla afacere. Si se pare ca va avea succes. Si iar mi se pare trist.
Avem atatea mijloace de comunicare: telefon mobil, internet si nenumarate posibilitati de a ne face prieteni. Si totusi, nu avem. Avem si pentru asta nevoie de altcineva care sa ne ofere serviciile.
E trist si adevarat. M-am uitat in jurul meu si am realizat ca nu mai am prieteni/e. Nu am mai iesit la un suc, la un parc. Fiecare e preocupat de propriile probleme. Care sunt mai mari decat ale altora.
Apreciez efortul firmei la care lucrez de a incerca sa ne faca sa avem relatii mai mult decat cele stricte de servici.
Dar realizez momentul in care ne vom pensiona.
Imi amintesc ca mama mergea in vizite, dadea telefoane, scria scrisori. Indiferent de cat de mult insemna sa cheltuie. Puteam sa mergem la Bacau sau la Paris. Aveam cine sa ne intampine, aveam unde sa ne ducem sa dormim, aveam cu cine sa schimbam o vorba.
Peste tot vad reclame in care se sublinieaza ca avem posibilitatea sa comunicam cu cei dragi. Si nu o facem.
Oare de ce?
English version
I read a news that saddened me.
It’s a simple business. And it seems to be successful. And while I think it’s sad.
We have many means of communication: phone, internet and countless opportunities for making friends. And yet, we do not. And for that we need someone to give us services.
It’s really sad. I looked around me and I realized that I dont have friends anymore. I never went for a drink or at a park. Everyone is concerned about their own problems. Which are bigger than others.
I appreciate the effort the company that I work to try to make us more than the relationships we have strict job.
But realize that when we retire.
I remember that my mother go in visits, gave the phone, wrote letters. No matter how much it means to spend. I could go to Bacau or Paris. I had someone to greet us, I had where to sleep, who had to change a word.
Everywhere I see advertisements that highlights that we are able to communicate with loved ones. And we do not.