Mama stia cum sa spuna o poveste. Povestile erau rusesti, un pic banale: cu un vanator Andrei care trebuie sa mearga in diferite locuri ca sa ia diverse lucruri pentru un tar hapsan. Dar ce era interesant era ca intercala proverbe(?!) in ruseste. De tipul: Утро вечера мудренее (Utro vecerea midrineie). Si apoi venea traducerea: dimineata este mai inteleapta decat seara. Sau, chiar am uitat cum spunea in ruseste: repede basmul se povesteste, nu repede treaba se faureste. Si tot asa. Povestile difereau de cele romanesti: nu trebuia sa omoare pe nimeni.
Astfel, erai captat, erai prins.
Si mai era ceva remarcabil: intotdeauna avea citatul si cuvintele potrivite pentru o situatie data.
Totusi, pe noi, copiii, ne-a tot spus cuvintele: radacinile invataturii sunt amare, dar roadele sunt dulci. Suna atat de banal cand sunt scrise. Dar la felul cum le pronunta….. aveau o savoare deosebita. Avea un fel de a spune incat chiar tineai cont de cuvintele ei.
Imi pare rau ca nu am reusit sa mostenesc talentul ei de a vorbi. Citea mult si reusea sa retina ce era mai important din ceea ce citea. Astfel ca daca mergeai cu ea la un muzeu, la plimbare sau pur si simplu stateai cu ea, nu aveai cum sa te plictisesti.
Mi-e dor sa mai gasesc astfel de persoane. Mi-e dor de mama.
My mother knew how to tell a story. The stories were russian, a little trite: a hunter Andrei who must walk in different places to take things for grabbing Tsar. But what was interesting was that she interpolates proverbs (?) in Russian. Type: Утро вечера мудренее (Utro vecerea midrineie). And then came the translation: the morning is wiser than evening. Or, I even forgot the words in Russian: the tale is told quickly, it forges the job quickly. And so on. The stories were different of the Romanian ones: not supposed to kill anyone.
So, you were caught, were captive.
And there was something remarkable: always have quoted the words that fit a given situation.
However, for us, the children, told us all the time the words: teaching roots are bitter but the fruits are sweet. It sounds so trite when written. But how she pronounces….. had a great flavor. She had a way of saying that you take into account her words.
Sorry I did not inherit her talent to speak. She read a lot and managed to retain what was important from what she read. So if you go with her to a museum, a walk or simply sit with her, you did not get bored.
I miss to find such people. I miss my mom.
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