Un barbat a venit de la munca tarziu, obosit si nervos, gasindu-si baietelul de 5 ani asteptand la usa nerabdator.
- Tati, pot sa te intreb ceva?
- Da sigur, despre ce e vorba? a raspuns tatal
- Tati, cati bani castigi pe ora?
- Hei, dar asta nu e treaba ta. De ce ma intrebi astfel de lucruri? spuse omul nervos.
- Doar vreau sa stiu…Te rog spune-mi, cat castigi pe ora?
- Daca trebuie sa stii …castig 50$ pe ora.
- Ah, a raspuns micutul trist, cu capul plecat. Tati, imi imprumuti te rog 25$?
Tatal s-a infuriat:
- Daca singurul motiv pentru care m-ai intrebat asta este ca sa imi ceri niste bani sa iti cumperi o jucarie prosteasca sau alte prostii, atunci du-te direct in camera ta la culcare. Gandeste-te de ce esti asa egoist. Nu lucrez din greu in fiecare zi pentru asa copilarii.
Micutul a mers in liniste in camera si a inchis usa .
Omul s-a enervat si mai tare pe intrebarile baiatului.
Cum a putut sa puna asa intrebari doar pentru a cere niste bani.
Dupa o ora, tatal s-a calmat si a inceput sa gandeasca: “Poate chiar era ceva de care chiar avea nevoie sa cumpere cu 25$ si chiar nu mi-a cerut bani des”. a dus la usa baiatului si a deschis-o.
- Dormi? Dormi? a intrebat….
- Nu tati, sunt treaz, a raspuns baiatul.
- M-am gandit, poate am fost prea dur mai devreme, spuse tatal. A fost o zi lunga si m-am descarcat pe tine. Uite aici ai 25$.
Micutul a sarit, zambind. Multumesc tati, a strigat.
Dupa aceea a scos un pumn de bani. Omul a vazut ca baiatul avea deja bani si s-a enervat din nou.
Micutul si-a numarat incet banii si s-a uitat catre tatal sau.
- De ce vrei mai multi bani daca deja ai? a spus tatal.
- Pentru ca nu am avut destul, dar acum am, a replicat baiatul. Tati, am 50$. Pot sa cumpar o ora cu tine ???? Te rog sa vii mai repede acasa maine . Vreau sa mananc cu tine.
Tatal a fost distrus de durere. Si-a luat baiatul in brate si l-a implorat sa il ierte.
Este doar o reamintire pentru toti ce lucreaza din greu in viata pentru familia lor. Nu ar trebui sa lasam timpul sa treaca printre degete fara sa petrecem timp cu cei care chiar conteaza pentru noi, aceia apropiati de inimile noastre.
Sa ne straduim sa daruim din timpul nostru celor pe care ii iubim.
Daca azi murim, compania pentru care lucram ne va inlocui foarte usor, in cateva ore.
Dar familia si prietenii pe care ii lasam in urma o sa simta pierderea pentru tot restul vietii lor!
A man came home from work late, tired and angry, finding the little boy of five years waiting impatiently at the door.
- Daddy, may I ask you something?
- Yeah sure, what is it? father said
- Daddy, how much you make per hour?
- Hey, but that’s not your job. Why ask me such things? man said nervously.
- I just want to know … please tell me, how much per hour?
- If you must know … $ 50 an hour.
- Ah, the sad little boy replied, head bowed. Daddy, please lend me $ 25?
His father was furious:
- If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or other nonsense, then go straight to your room to sleep. Think about why you are so selfish. Do not work hard everyday for such childish.
The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.
The man became angry and coolest little boy’s questions.
How could he put such questions only to ask for some money.
After an hour, the father calmed down and started to think: “Maybe it was something that really needed to buy with $ 25 and really did not ask for money often.” the boy went to the door and opened it.
- Sleep? Sleep? he asked ….
- No daddy, I’m awake, replied the boy.
- I thought, maybe I was too hard on you earlier, his father said. It was a long day and I on you. Here’s $ 25.
The little boy jumped out, smiling. Thanks dad, he cried.
Then he pulled out a fistful of money. The man saw that the boy already had money and became angry again.
The little boy slowly counted the money and looked at his father.
- Why do you want more money if you already have? said father.
- Because I have not had enough, but now I do, replied the boy. Daddy, I have $ 50. Can I buy an hour of your time?? Please come home early tomorrow. I want to eat with you.
His father was destroyed by pain. He took the boy in his arms and begged him to forgive him.
It’s just a reminder to all who work hard in life for their family. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having to spend time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts.
Let us strive to give ourselves during those you love.
If you die today, the company they work easily replace us in a few hours.
But family and friends who we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives!
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