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Blog Marina Gratiela Stan (Ignat)
Si mie mi s-a potrivit. Poate va place si voua.
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Fa-ti timp….Traian Dorz
In trecerea grabita prin lume catre veci,
Fa-ti timp, macar o clipa, sa vezi pe unde treci!
Fa-ti timp sa vezi durerea si lacrima arzind
Fa-ti timp sa poti, cu mila, sa te alini oricind!
Fa-ti timp pentru-adevaruri si adincimi de vis,
Fa-ti timp pentru prieteni, cu sufletul deschis!
Fa-ti timp sa vezi padurea, s-asculti linga izvor,
Fa-ti timp s-asculti ce spune o floare, un cocor!
Fa-ti timp, pe-un munte seara, stind singur sa te rogi,
Fa-ti timp, frumoase amintiri, de unul sa invoci!
Fa-ti timp sa stai cu mama, cu tata tau – batrini….
Fa-ti timp de-o vorba buna, de-o coaja pentru ciini….
In trecerea grabita prin lume catre veci,
Fa-ti timp macar o clipa sa vezi pe unde treci!
Fa-ti timp sa gusti frumosul din tot ce e curat,
Fa-ti timp, ca esti de multe mistere-nconjurat!
Fa-ti timp cu orice taina sau adevar sa stai,
Fa-ti timp, caci toate-acestea au inima, au grai!
Fa-ti timp s-asculti la toate, din toate sa inveti,
Fa-ti timp sa dai vietii adevaratul sens!
Fa-ti timp, ACUM!
Sa stii: zadarnic ai sa plingi,
Comoara risipita a a vietii, n-o mai stringi!
Autor: Traian Dorz(din vol. „Cântarea Anilor”)
English version
Take time …. Traian Dorz strong>
The hasty passage through the world forever
Take time, even for a moment, to see where you go!
Take time to see the pain and burning tears
Take time to you, with compassion, bringing the caress to you anytime!
Take time to truths and dream-deep,
Take time for friends, with open heart!
Take time to see the forest, to listen next spring
Take time to listen what say a flower, a crane!
Take time on a mountain at night, sitting alone to pray,
Take time, beautiful memories, one to invoke!
Take time to stay with mother, your father – old ….
Take it for a good word, a bread crust for a dog ….
The hasty passage through the world forever
Take time even for a moment to see where you go!
Take time to taste the beauty of everything is clean,
Take time, many mysteries, you’re surrounded!
Take time to really any mystery, to sit,
Take time, for all-they have hearts were speechless!
Take time to listen to everything, all to learn,
Take time to give the true meaning of life!
Take time NOW!
You know: you will cry in vain,
Wasted the treasure of life in a more collect!
Author: Traian Dorz (by volume “Song of Years”)
English follow
A mai trecut un an …
Sa va amintiti cu placere de toate implinirile, cu melancolie de toate clipele frumoase si cu incredere de tot ce nu ai reusit..
Iar in anul care vine… iartati…iubiti…zambiti… relaxati-va… ajutati un batran…ascultati prietenii…reluati un proiect abandonat… uitati-va la un album cu poze……pictati un tablou…ascultati tacerea… amintiti-va intotdeauna ca nu sunteti singuri… spuneti-le celor dragi cat de mult ii iubiti… jucati-va…..imaginati-va ca astazi nu aveti nici o grija… cititi o carte buna…alegeti-va o stea pe cer…fiti copil inca o data…dati-va voie sa mai si gresiti… renuntati la ce nu va place… indepliniti-va promisiunile…inchideti ochii si imaginati-va ca sunteti pe o plaja tropicala…cumparati-va ceva ce va doriti de mult… sperati ca ceea ce-va doriti se va indeplini…ajutati-i pe altii… respirati profund…faceti-va un cadou…dar mai ales iubiti!
English version
Another year passed…
Let us all remember with pleasure the achievements, with all the beautiful moments of melancholy and trust everything you did not ..
And in the coming year … sorry … love … smile … relax … help an old … listening the friends … resume an abandoned project … look at a photo album… paint a picture …… listen the silence … always remember that you’re not alone … tell loved ones how much you love them … play ….. now imagine that you have no worries … read a good book … pick a star in the sky … be a child again … give yourself permission to may and wrong … give what you do not like … fulfill your promises … close your eyes and imagine you are on a tropical beach … you buy something you want for more … hope that what you want … will help them meet others … deep breath … do yourself a gift … but especially love!
Asteptam sa vin-acum Anul Nou,este pe drum. Spor s-aveti la pregatire si distractie din plin! La multi ani!
Now, we looking forward to coming New Year, is on the road. To have abundance in preparation and lots of fun! Happy New Year!
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