Ìn general, cand imi amintesc de mama, imi amintesc ca tot imi spunea de bunica ei. Gemenele Ivanov au fost crescute de catre bunicii lor. Tatal a murit intr-un accident de munca iar mama a fost luata de comunisti.
Bunicii le-au luat sa le creasca de pe la 7 ani.
Prea multe nu stiu despre ei. Dar pot sa spun ca erau niste oameni remarcabili. Bunica se descurca cu gatitul si croitoria, bunicul a fost decorat de regele Carol. Oameni care au reusit sa treaca peste ororile comunismului si sa inceapa o noua viata. Sa lase in spate toate bogatiile cu care erau invatati si sa inceapa sa munceasca. Sa incerce sa faca o viata mai buna fara sa se planga amintindu-si de cea veche.
Dovada stau in povestirile mamei. Bunica gatea pe o plita mica, cu doua ochiuri. Gatea asa de bine ca rudele care veneau in vizita cereau din “piroski” si acasa. Bunicul dadea meditatii la matematica. Are si o carte finalizata dar ne-tiparita.
O sa incerc sa povestesc intamplari diverse. Pentru ca vreau sa-mi reamintesc de cei ce nu mai sunt si sa le pastrez vie amintirea lor. Pentru ca eu consider ca se merita sa ii tinem minte. Nu numai pentru ca ne-au dat viata dar si pentru ca ne-au facut ceea ce suntem.
Generally, when I remember my mother, I remember that she kept telling me about her grandmother. Ivanov’s twins were reared by their grandparents. Their father died in an accident at work and their mother was taken by the communists.
Grandparents took them to grow at around 7 years.
Too many I do not know about them. But I can say that there were some remarkable people. Grandmother deal with cooking and tailoring, grandfather was decorated by King Charles. People who have managed to overcome the horrors of communism and start a new life. To leave behind all the riches those were taught and begin to work. Trying to make a better life without complaint remembering the old.
Mother’s stories are in evidence. My grandmother cooked on a small stove with two burners. She cooked so well that the relatives which came to visit, demanded the “piroski” at home. Grandpa gave private lessons in mathematics. He finished a book but he not printed.
I’ll try to tell different stories. Because I want to remind those who are not and they keep their memory alive. Because I think it is worth to remember them. Not only that they gave us life but for they have done what we are.